Your own translator from Russian

In the “For Children” section, we are starting to publish parallel Russian-English texts for children and novice adults. After all, in Russian they are still “children”. To start, auxiliary dictionaries are published first. Cartoons for children’s materials are made using a neural network.

Independent “study” without textbooks

The best translator from Russian is the one in your head. He will not only help out in some situations, but also open up new opportunities and prospects in life.

There are a huge number of words in the Russian language. However, Russians use only 15,000 to 30,000 different words in their speech, and other nationalities even less. But this is too much for foreigners.

It is necessary to study foreign words effectively, taking into account the frequency of their use. 100 words are already enough to start learning the basics of Russian. Frequency dictionaries can be found on the Internet.

About 90% of all foreign conversations are conducted using only about 1000 phrases! And if you master even the 100 most common ones, you will be able to communicate confidently in many situations.

Grammar is the foundation of a solid mastery of Russian. There are not many basic rules, but there are many exceptions. Therefore, first get acquainted with the basics of grammar, and then improve your “translator” from Russian in practice.

You can achieve the level of a translator from Russian in your head on your own and completely free of charge, you just need to work a little. The main thing is to train a little and regularly.

The translator in his head opens up new career prospects in the future and gives him the opportunity to work in international companies.

His main skills are reading, listening and speaking, writing, which must be mastered in this sequence. There are three most effective ways to develop these skills for free.

Three ways to train a “translator from Russian”

Method 1. Reading books, newspapers and magazines

The method of parallel reading of English-Russian texts, especially at the beginning, brings tremendous results. He develops several important aspects of language at once: the use of grammatical constructions, vocabulary development, and understanding of context.

Reading itself develops the following skills:
· Books – vocabulary and fluency of language. With the help of books, you will be able to learn the subtleties of using different words.
· Newspapers – brevity, because the news format is aimed at briefly giving as much information as possible.
· Magazines – the ability to describe events and people, as well as improve the brightness and versatility of statements.

And reading with listening (voicing) teaches the correct pronunciation of whole phrases. It is important that the text corresponds to your level of knowledge of Russian.

And the advantages of parallel reading specifically are:
· Improving Russian in practice;
· Comparative analysis of words and constructions;
· Contextual memorization of whole phrases;
· Fascinating learning based on interesting examples.

Be sure to read something that is really interesting and brings you pleasure. In the future, connect listening to memorize the correct pronunciation.

At the initial stage, it is easier to train your translator on materials for children by placing Russian and English versions of articles in adjacent windows on the computer. And then you can switch to popular science texts.
For good results, it is better to read paragraphs at least three times.

The first reading. Context, grammar and vocabulary

The task of the first reading is to grasp the general meaning. You may not know the meaning of individual words or phraseological units, or you may not fully understand grammatical constructions. While reading, mentally mark unknown places and use logic and intuition to try to guess what they mean.

The second reading. Analysis of unknown words, phrases and grammatical constructions

The task of the second reading is to provide an understanding of all phrases and incomprehensible constructions. It is advisable to have the Internet with similar online resources at hand.

The third reading. The integrity of speech, the second meaning, humor

The task of the third reading is to understand the subtext. When you read newspapers or magazines, you can skip the third reading — there is usually no subtext in periodicals. But in classical literature it is almost always there. The third reading is an additional exercise for memorizing phrases and training your translator from Russian.

Is it really free?

Yes. There are a lot of sites on the Internet where there are educational materials. Works written more than 50 years ago are not copyrighted, so they are freely available.

Online versions of magazines become available within six months or a year after their release. Almost every official website of the magazine has free archives with old issues. You can read newspapers on news sites.

Tips for working with texts:
Keep a dictionary of unknown words and add new phrases and expressions there.
Work with texts with maximum concentration, try not to be distracted from them.
It is best to read at home, in a comfortable armchair, but not on the subway or during a lunch break at work.

Train your translator from Russian every day, reading at least 1-2 pages of text – 20-40 minutes, but no more than 1.5 hours a day — otherwise the attention drops significantly and the result suffers.

Method 2. Watching movies and TV series on video

To develop listening skills, this method works just fine if used correctly.
The method pumps several important aspects of the Russian language at once:
· Listening comprehension and understanding of the interlocutor.
· Understanding abbreviations, slang expressions, accents and dialects.
· Perception of modern live speech, which is used now.

There are two ways to watch it: with subtitles (of course, in Russian) and without them. Do not try to watch Russian-language movies with English subtitles. This is harmful for understanding the language.

How to watch movies with subtitles

In some ways, this is similar to working with text. Therefore, this method is suitable even for people who do not fully perceive speech by ear or do not understand it at all.

You need to work with each line separately in order to fully hear how it sounds. Of course, you will have to stop the film many times, but this is training.

The main burden is on working with the text, and listening to the voice is a bonus that allows you to hear the live sound of phrases.

How to watch without subtitles

This is a completely different level of translator training. Watching and understanding without subtitles is ten times more difficult than with them. But in order for the training to bear fruit, you still need to learn to fully perceive speech by ear.

Therefore, there is a trick. Don’t look at subtitles all the time or turn them off completely after a while. When viewing, it is not necessary to know the translation of all the words. It is much more important to learn to perceive the context of speech.

Is it really free?

Yes, many of our online cinemas have a subtitle viewing feature. But it is better to look at Russian-language sites, there is more choice there.

Method 3. Sites for training a translator from Russian

There are a huge number of educational sites on the Internet where you can learn Russian in a playful way. The main advantage of this kind of training is that when your translator makes a mistake, the system immediately indicates.

Specialized websites improve all aspects of your translator’s Russian. It only depends on the exercises you use. Although they are usually selected for comprehensive language learning.

There are a lot of resources for self-training your translator from Russian. You need to try them and choose one site that will be the most pleasant and convenient for you to use.

It is best to use the services in combination with the two previous methods — texts and films. Together, the results are remarkable.

It is quite possible to train your translator from Russian without money. Even in such “ordinary” ways as reading, watching movies and playing online games. The main thing is to do all this correctly and systematically. Then the results will not be long in coming.

To practice well, you need to surround yourself with the Russian language wherever possible, even at your leisure. You need to read books in Russian, listen to songs, watch various cartoons and videos on topics of interest, and then your favorite movies and TV series.

Various applications in which you can talk to an online bot will help a shy beginner practice speech and pronunciation.

Russian Russian translator training will be another way to attend free press meetings, presentations and other events in Russian.