Huge animals – walruses – live on the shores and islands, on the floating ice floes of the northern seas in the Arctic. In the old days, hunters called them “sea bulls”. Maybe because walruses are strong and roar in a bass voice, like bulls.

But if bulls have horns, then walruses have big long tusks. Just like an elephant, only the tip is pointing downwards.

Walruses are proud of their moustaches. They are thick, tough and durable, like iron bristles. With such a “brush”, a walrus can even tear a piece of skin from a polar bear if it dares to attack it.

Whiskers and tusks are good protection. because on land, a large walrus is clumsy and unwieldy. His large flippers are adapted for swimming and diving, but not for walking along the shore.

Walruses need large tusks not only for protection, but also for foraging. He dives deep into the sea, to the very bottom and digs the seabed with his tusks in search of mussel shells, oysters and other mollusks.

The tusks of walruses grow all their lives, they wear off from work. Walruses like close companies and live in large herds: they rest together, defend themselves from enemies together.

And if someone hurts the walrus or he gets sick, the “comrades” will support him, they will not let him drown. And they will protect you, even a boat with hunters can be attacked. As it is, walruses are kind and curious, and you should not offend them.

Walruses have thick, very durable skin, and fat reserves under it. Walruses are not afraid of any frost. But all the same, walruses like to lie down and bask in the sun.

They lie huddled together on a rookery, like on a beach. This “beach” can be located not only on the shore, but also on a large ice floe.

And in the spring, walruses have babies. They have a silver-gray fur coat, which will change over time. Mom often pushes the walrus into the water herself. It squeaks, but floats.

And soon he will want to splash around, dive. And then – to my mother, to drink milk. If the walruses are in danger, the mother walrus will hold the baby to her “hand” with a flipper and swim away from the dangerous place. And the kid is having fun. He gets on his mom’s back and rides…

There are “walruses” among people. This is the name of those who are not afraid of cold water and swim in the ice hole in winter.