The reindeer is a resident of the Far North. He is not afraid of severe frosts or deep snows. He has a wonderful coat – thick, soft. It becomes especially warm in the winter months, when frosts come and blizzards rage.

Reindeer hooves are special. They are wide and can also spread apart like spread fingers. And the deer walks without falling through the snow or swamp. But the hoof edges are also strong and sharp.

This is very important! The reindeer digs and shovels snow with its hooves to get to the delicious moss. This deer moss is called “yagel”.

Deer are also excellent swimmers. They easily swim across wide cold rivers and sea straits. In summer, deer run with their tongues out. This is how deer sweat and cool down.

The main decoration of reindeer is their large branching horns. And they grow not only in males, but also in female deer. Every year, the deer change their old antlers for new ones. Baby fawns also have horns, only small ones, more like a twig or a spoke.

And deer give delicious milk. Reindeer are travelers. Huge herds roam the tundra, making large crossings. And at the head of the herd is the leader – the most experienced and strong deer. But here comes the short northern summer. The ice on the seas is melting, the water is receding.

And the deer are rushing to the seashore, despite all the obstacles. Deer are attracted to sea water. After all, salt is necessary for animals. And in ordinary food – grass, branches, moss – there is very little of it.

Fawns are born in the spring. When they are still very young, the mother deer, in case of danger, runs away from them to the side: the fawn freezes, clings to the ground, stretches its neck: if you pass by, you will not notice.

Their main enemy is the wolf. And although reindeer travel a lot, they like to lie down and take a nap. Especially on the flat ice of a frozen lake. No predator will get there unnoticed.