The Arctic is located in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. There is a polar night in winter for several months, and a polar day in summer. Everything is frozen and covered with snow. Only for a very short time does the cold summer come.

Surprisingly, even in the conditions of the polar deserts, vegetation “arises” – mosses and lichens. Flowers are blooming – polar poppy, buttercups and others. There are also dwarf trees, “as tall as a fingernail”.

The animal world is represented by polar bears, marine mammals such as whales, seals and walruses, as well as polar bears and birds. Of the birds, albatrosses, gags, pomeranians and others live here.

Polar bears come to the coast in summer, and in winter they travel on drifting ice. They hunt seals and sometimes walruses. Some whales are constantly living in the polar waters of the Arctic: belugas, fin whales, blue whales.

On the opposite – southern side of the Earth is Antarctica. There is a whole continent there – Antarctica, covered with a kilometer-long shell of ice. The pole of cold on Earth is located here, there are the most severe frosts.

The main attraction of the coast of the southernmost continent is penguins. These birds do not fly, but they swim and dive very well. The largest are emperor penguins, which are about a meter tall.

And the most numerous and curious are Adelie penguins. They often come to “visit” the polar explorers arriving on the mainland. Seabirds are found on the coast of the mainland and on the islands.

The seas surrounding Antarctica are much more “populated” than the Arctic. Seals, including sea leopards, frolic in the sea waves. The bodies of predatory killer whales flash by. Naturally, there are a lot of fish and other food.

There are huge whales swimming in the waters. Among them, the largest is the blue whale, there are sperm whales, seiwals and fin whales. Unfortunately, a lot of whales were previously exterminated by whaling. These animals are now under protection.