The bowhead whale. Photo: Oleg Palamarchuk / Bowhead and gray whales When we...
This section contains articles about the northern polar region of the Earth – the Arctic. Special attention is paid to the animals living here.
I just got a call from Hollywood …from the Oscar ceremony. Our Chukchi walruses...
Franz Josef Land. Photo: Wikimedia / Dmitrijshh / CC BY-SA 4.0 The Arctic: the...
Fishing in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation The rational development of marine...
From the new one. Evening Bear At the end of August, there was very...
Nuclear icebreaker “Arctic” NSR: Russian or international transport corridor? Interest in the Arctic and...
From an old one. Chukchi Sea Cruise Oh, how I love to go on...
Cape Schmidt, September 2023 From the new one. On the traverse of Cape Schmidt...
Arctic fox in a winter fur coat Basic information about Arctic foxes Average Weight:...
From an old one. What’s a wedding without a fight? Somehow, the end of...