The Waggonway glacier is one of many glaciers in Svalbard that have retreated marketly...
This section contains articles about the northern polar region of the Earth – the Arctic. Special attention is paid to the animals living here.
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the world population of polar...
In the beginning of the 20th century, the arctic fox was a common species in...
It was this year’s first shipment to the key logistical point on the Yenisey,...
In the Arctic, the freedom to travel, hunt and make day-to-day decisions is profoundly...
Russian scientists were the first in the world to evaluate the parameters of the...
Polar bears are in danger The polar bear is a symbol of the Arctic,...
A witness who saw the oceans at the dawn of the world would find...
Dangers to whales Looking at bottlenose dolphins frolicking in the Black Sea or humpback...
In our global information age, connectivity plays a central role. The geopolitics of connectivity...