From an old one. Chukchi Sea Cruise
Oh, how I love to go on a boat among the ice.
Smooth surface of the water, no waves, except for small ripples in the wind. Flocks of gags or sailors fly low, and burgomasters soar in the sky. Moored to an old fresh ice floe, anchor the boat with a steel cat, collect meltwater from a puddle in the center of the ice floe into a kettle, and the kettle on the stove. The taste of “sea” tea is completely different, unforgettable! While sipping freshly brewed boiling water, you realize that the sea is full of life.
Here is a curious seal stretching its neck over the water, looking at the boat and people. He is afraid of sudden movement, silently goes under the water, but soon the head appears again, closer. Oh, and something unusual is happening on this ice floe, we should take a closer look! And on the other side, lakhtak’s mustachioed muzzle poked out. Looking at the boat in amazement, he swims along the ice floe and dives, exposing his glossy back above the water. Circles radiate from a three-hundred-kilogram carcass on the surface of the water and shake fine ice chips.
A yellowish speck moved on the distant ice floe. This polar bear is jealous of us with his white envy, and hopes that curious seals will swim up to him too. From somewhere in the distance, a breeze carried the dull hooting of walruses. It’s good at sea!
But when he finishes his tea, it’s time to go.
From the new one. Hey, on the ice floe! Let me live with you!

Walruses are extremely social animals. It is believed that close physical contact is necessary for them to thermoregulate the body in the Arctic climate. But sometimes it seems that they just love each other’s company and can’t stand being alone.
Here, it would seem, there are enough empty ice floes around, but this walrus tries to hide among her relatives. And on occasion, make them move, or even just drive a young or weak animal to give up a comfortable place. In this they are similar to humans.
When I enter the Moscow or St. Petersburg metro during rush hour, I feel like I’m on a walrus rookery. Only walruses are more interesting to watch.
Krasin Bay, August 2022
From the new one. Will you be the third?

I have already written about the widespread occurrence of so-called “male alliances” among polar bears. In seasons when there are almost no reasons for aggressive clashes, bears stay close to each other, often walk together and even arrange game fights.
Sometimes young males follow large mothers, probably counting on their life experience and protection in unfamiliar potentially dangerous situations. Here, too, upon hearing the sound of the quadcopter, the bears, resting 30 meters from each other, first became alert, and then the young beast approached a mature, heroically built man, and sat down next to him, perching backwards against a powerful back.
This behavior is typical for cubs, which cling to their mother when worried. But it seems that for independent young males, close physical contact with an adult bear is no less important. I call such pairs “mentor” and “pupil”.
Anatoly Kochnev