I just got a call from Hollywood
…from the Oscar ceremony. Our Chukchi walruses lost to Indian elephants. Of course, elephants have bigger tusks than walrus tusks…
From an old one. Hey, on the ice floe! Let me live with you!

Walruses are extremely social animals. It is believed that close physical contact is necessary for them to thermoregulate the body in the Arctic climate. But sometimes it seems that they just love each other’s company and can’t stand being alone. Here, it would seem, there are enough empty ice floes around, but this walrus tries to hide among her relatives. And on occasion, make them move, or even just drive a young or weak animal to give up a comfortable place. In this they are similar to humans.
When I enter the Moscow or St. Petersburg metro during rush hour, I feel like I’m on a walrus rookery. Only walruses are more interesting to watch.
Krasin Bay, August 2022
From the new one. A fox came to the goose

The goose is not a friend to the arctic fox, but delicious and healthy food.
From an old one. Water treatments

Bathing in cold water is an obligatory part of hygiene and just the everyday life of a polar bear. Bears do this all year round, and not only on religious holidays, after a bath and a shock dose of alcohol, like some other mammals.
By Anatoly Kochnev